Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sliding Scale Hot Cocoa.

Within the last few weeks Starbucks has introduced their new Signature Hot Chocolates. The Venti(large for all you savages) cost about $4. I had one the other day.
Guess what it tasted like? The cocoa I would get from Starbucks two years ago.

In a round-a-bout way they are admitting for the last few years they have sold inferior hot chocolate..shame on them. I must admit about a year ago I noticed that their cocoa had gotten worse across the board. Right now you are probably wondering who the hell drinks this much cocoa and when the hell have I ever read the word cocoa some many times in my life. The answer me and never, unless your weird.

Times are tough when there is cost of entry even for decent cup of hot cocoa.

It always interest me when brand introduces new products which are essentially "improved" versions of what they have been selling for years. Its admitting, hey we have been doing a sub- par job on this for a bit so for a few bucks more we can give you better. It's a used car , snake oil salesmen tactic and if done too much will eventually lead to deteriorating consumer trust of the brand. And no I am not talking about products based on tech innovations. As far as I know there has been no major cocoa innovations within the last 12 months.

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